Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mommy & Lil Bit

Our first placement came 7 months after we were licensed and completed our classes.  We will refer to them as 2 year old "Mr. Mommy" (because he always called everyone mommy even my husband) and 13 month old Lil Bit who was his sister.

Yep, our first placement was a sibling group.  I loved them so much! They were adorable!  However, even though only working part time, I could have lost my job and possibly where I was living because our agency didn't take responsibility to help us with the situation they were in.

The youngest needed a specialized nutritional drink that was probably $20 (or more) a six pack because she was so malnurished.  I could afford that easily and so could my husband, heck my mom even chipped in for it once. . . so that wasn't the problem it was the fact that she went through a six pack of this stuff (which was the only thing the doctor wanted her on) in no time, so it did start adding up...and then to top it off the agency wouldn't let us get them into a doctor in the town we were living in they wanted us to take them to their doctor which was an hour away several times a week (with two working parents this just didn't work) and to wic appointments.

The wic office is where it all went wrong.  I took one whole day off to be with them, get to know them, and to call the agency, the kids origional counties wic office, and our local wic office...all to no avail...ahh my first frustration with fostering...the wic office where they had went their entire lives refused to see them since they were now "living" in a different county...the local wic office refused to see them because they were from the other county...and I got no help from our agency as to what I was suppossed to do. 

Thinking back, I should have just quit my job (which was a very negative place to be working anyway) and stayed at home with the Mr Mommy & Lil Bit.  But, I didn't...the agency came and took them after we said this wasn't working...and I couldn't even be there when they came to get them...I went to the local park and just drove and drove and drove eyes filling and burning with tears...I felt such a failure to the kids, to myself, my husband, it was overwhelming (looking back again, this is nothing compared to what was to come).

We went to a class (one of the ones you have to take to keep your license) and since it was with the same agency the kids were we did get to see them again...they looked to be doing just fine.

This is the story of our first placement.  Do you have a story of yours that is similar or that you would like to share?

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