Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Waiting Game..

Where are we in this?  Good question.  We don't even know!!  Since before PIB left on 9/13/12 we have been waiting on transferring our license to no avail...

Nothing has moved.  Progression is a no go.  We are stuck.  Holding on to Hope.  That's it.

We've called the previous agency twice about our address change as well as just getting our paperwork to the new agency. 

We have literally been bold faced lied to twice.  We've been told our paperwork has been sent to the new agency (which is all we need to get another placement.) and it hasn't.  We've asked that the new agency call us when the paperwork gets there, to which they've never received it.

The address change is taking an extremely unruly amount of time ...very lengthy...and is just ridiculous at this point.

I know one thing...I'm done asking. Done inquiring...I will trust God and know that it's in His hands...we don't want to get what we don't want child wise, age wise, etc. something that just isn't for our family so we will trust His timing this time.

I hope we get a mixed racial sibling group of 2.  One that is an infant (or close to it) no, an infant dangit, we've waited long enough!  This time we won't cave!  And, one that is 1-ish or 2-ish I guess as the older sib.

I've just been workin...and learning, and waiting. Story of my life.  Hubby's been working too and of course doesn't seem to let it bother him about the wait.

What's been going on in the chilly parts of your world?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Foster Support Group

The new agency got a little more clearer to me tonight because I decided to go to their Foster Support Group.

I wish my husband could of joined me, but he was at work.

I met the foster parents that were there and learned more about the agency.  DCFS with all the layoffs have a lot of changes that they will be making, and they are silly and sad ones.

It's going to make current foster parents quit, or not make new foster parents want to sign up.

It's redic...but I digress...

I prob shouldn't of came because I also had to hear that they had to turn down a brand new infant baby because all of their homes are full (and we're sitting here with no children/babies at all!!)

Argh! So our old foster agency called us for a 18 yr old specialized girl with a one yr old baby today?! For one, we're only down for up to 2 years old and for two, we're not even a specialized foster home?!

This is the 2nd call we've gotten like that in the past 2 weeks! I'm so glad to get away form this agency!

The new agency said they'd never call us with anything unless it's something on our license and what we're licensed for...PTL!!

I miss having a baby here...I miss having a child's so quiet...

On a side note..Mr. W. Ballz puppy can come home this weekend! More pics to come! :-)

Is anyone else having changes in their agency or with DCFS/CPS that they'd like to share or ask questions about?

Thursday, October 11, 2012


While I'm waiting Lord to complete our family...I will serve you with my whole heart...mind, body, and spirit.  I will suffer for your namesake Lord.  I will give up selfish desires, and state's of minds...I will let go or forego life's ups and downs and just go with your flow and thirst for your love and your heart like a flood of living water...because in the end only YOU can quench my desires.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Favorite Season?

What's your favorite season? you can see by the title image...mine is fall...anything leaf changing, leaf falling, rainy, merky, cold, cool, fires, etc.

PIB's Story

PIB is of course not her name but for this purpose we will call her that. 

After Mr. Mommy & Lil Bit, we thought we would be up for 7 more months of waiting so we got comfy and tried to be patient.

I was working in a new call-center job and was in training when I got closer and closer to Christmas of 2011.  I was praying and yearning and had that ache again for a child.  I prayed and prayed that God would give me a Child for Christmas, I didn't want anything else.  Even everyone (all my friends) in class knew it was me when we played this cool game and we had to guess who's topic was who's and the word baby came up and they all said "that's MrsFosterAdoptionMommy!!" (of course not my real name).

So...I went to Christmas empty handed and hearted...thinking that I could of had 2 beautiful children to bring with me but it didn't work out...then all of the sudden Christmas came and went and the night after about 11p.m. My husband got a call on his cell about a 13 mo old baby girl...I was asleep and was getting ready to get up early for my training class the next day so uttering and mumbling I told him to go ahead to the hospital where she was waiting without me.

He got there and DCFS filled him in on why she had been taken and what the story was with the Bio Mom and legal dad.  They cleaned her up the best they could even though when he got her home the onesie she was in (was sup to be Purple and Pink) and it stunk to high heaven and was coal black!!

I woke up realizing that I should have went with him...and asked him to send me a pic as soon as he got her in the car.

When he sent me the pic it was a little blurry and out of focus because it was raining and there were raindrops on the window.  I texted back "Do you have "Pew Pew?" which is another little baby girl we know only a month apart that is my best friend's grandaughter.  He responds, no, but she could be her twin!

He got her home and she was asleep in her carseat so I wouldn't get to see her eyes open until the next morning.  I was actually praying she'd wake up so we could see her.  We didn't have a bed yet or anything, so the hospital suggested we just let her sleep in her carseat all buckled in until morning.  We had a playpen but it was not of course set up because we didn't know. 

The next morning she awoke and I called into work...I wanted to spend time with my new precious angel.  My husband had changed her into a (cleaner) onesie that the police were able to grab and it was covered in snowflakes.  Well, those of you who remember 2011 winter Central Illinois last was very mild, rainy but no snow.  As soon as he brought her in to wake me up...he opened the curtain for some light and there she was in a snowflake onesie and better yet, behind her..outside the window..was snow falling to the ground for the first time that year.  I put in her baby book that the snow fairies brought her to us.  But, who are we was God.

I was changing her into some clothes that we had kept in case we got another one...and I noticed she had a bracelet around her wrist.  A bracelet with little beads on a 13 month old?! I thought to myself...It was pink and pearl and there was a cross charm on it hanging down in gold...I couldn't believe it!! God definitely was showing us He was behind this.


My Furbabies

A little bit more about my family is we love animals.  I have had my pekignese pug mix since 2004/2005.  She is deaf but can still see and has smell, etc.  She is my best friend.  I have only been close to one other dog in the whole world and that was McKenzie my first dog I got when I was 11.  She was a minature pinscher. 

We have a cat named Mini Mew who recently came back to live with us after a stay at my mom's (mom didn't want to give her back) we've had her since our first place together in Maroa back in 06-07.

We are getting ready to bring home Mr. B who is going to be our little guy of the family.  He is a mix breed.

So, anyway, is there a certain pet that has your heartstrings?  What kind is it?  Do you wish you could have an exotic pet? If so, what kind?

I'd love to hear!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Mommy & Lil Bit

Our first placement came 7 months after we were licensed and completed our classes.  We will refer to them as 2 year old "Mr. Mommy" (because he always called everyone mommy even my husband) and 13 month old Lil Bit who was his sister.

Yep, our first placement was a sibling group.  I loved them so much! They were adorable!  However, even though only working part time, I could have lost my job and possibly where I was living because our agency didn't take responsibility to help us with the situation they were in.

The youngest needed a specialized nutritional drink that was probably $20 (or more) a six pack because she was so malnurished.  I could afford that easily and so could my husband, heck my mom even chipped in for it once. . . so that wasn't the problem it was the fact that she went through a six pack of this stuff (which was the only thing the doctor wanted her on) in no time, so it did start adding up...and then to top it off the agency wouldn't let us get them into a doctor in the town we were living in they wanted us to take them to their doctor which was an hour away several times a week (with two working parents this just didn't work) and to wic appointments.

The wic office is where it all went wrong.  I took one whole day off to be with them, get to know them, and to call the agency, the kids origional counties wic office, and our local wic office...all to no avail...ahh my first frustration with fostering...the wic office where they had went their entire lives refused to see them since they were now "living" in a different county...the local wic office refused to see them because they were from the other county...and I got no help from our agency as to what I was suppossed to do. 

Thinking back, I should have just quit my job (which was a very negative place to be working anyway) and stayed at home with the Mr Mommy & Lil Bit.  But, I didn't...the agency came and took them after we said this wasn't working...and I couldn't even be there when they came to get them...I went to the local park and just drove and drove and drove eyes filling and burning with tears...I felt such a failure to the kids, to myself, my husband, it was overwhelming (looking back again, this is nothing compared to what was to come).

We went to a class (one of the ones you have to take to keep your license) and since it was with the same agency the kids were we did get to see them again...they looked to be doing just fine.

This is the story of our first placement.  Do you have a story of yours that is similar or that you would like to share?